DAILY JOURNAL ❝ Personal · Life · God ❞   |

Regina K
♥ Friends call me Reggie
22 & graduated

I love coffee-art and colours
Have an interest in photography, but don't exactly have the talent :P


I pen down things worthy to remember. Even with the toughest struggles in life. Because when I read back in future, I will remember and know that God has brought me through

I have decided to follow Jesus!
No turning back

Layout made by tkh.

  Good Friday
Color Therapy

Went through all my old personal blogs to realize how much I've grown since 12 y/o till today. 10 years worth of blogging moments surely brought me into a deep reminisce of what had happened during these 10 years of growing up. We create memories that grow and mold us into who we are as adults today. Haha.

I got really reminded of my old self and how lack of self-confidence was something that got me hesitant from doing many things that I ambition-ed myself to do. I remembered committing to the Lord once that since I don't have self-confidence, then I'll have a Christ-confidence. A confidence and trust in the Lord that He's got my back, and in every season and trials stand a perfect plan that He'd already crafted for me. Even tho today I'm still struggling in the issue of self-confidence, I remember telling myself that as a limited human being, I could only have control in a limited amount of things that can possibly happen in my life, even tho a greater fraction of uncontrollables (and unexpectations) were the ones that set us up in failures, disappointments and regrets. But how about knowing that God is in control of my uncontrollables, and He has that greatest plan for me. That trust and confidence - is the hope that keeps me going. Knowing that failures can teach me, disappointments can strengthen me and regrets can mold me into someone better, and someone I was created to be.

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© Layout made by tkh/mk. Removing any credit is shunned upon. Please keep credits intact
Have a nice blogging day or something!