DAILY JOURNAL ❝ Personal · Life · God ❞   |

Regina K
♥ Friends call me Reggie
22 & graduated

I love coffee-art and colours
Have an interest in photography, but don't exactly have the talent :P


I pen down things worthy to remember. Even with the toughest struggles in life. Because when I read back in future, I will remember and know that God has brought me through

I have decided to follow Jesus!
No turning back

Layout made by tkh.


Its graduation, its the end of our school life. 
We close this chapter of school, and start a fresh new chapter on adulthood. 

Honestly there wasn't much feels during graduation since most of us have already settled down in our full time job. Career progression, job prospects etc are topics we catch up on during this big day of ours. See how much we've grown.... I sometimes still miss the days when I can be rebellious, childish and free spirited. 

Thankful for some of these people who sailed through uni life with me.  

Looking back at how this 1.5 years of uni life encompasses the driest and saddest season of my life, I am amazed on how I've managed to survive. Truly I wouldn't have been able to go through uni and getting the results that I want if it is not for God's handy hands who shielded me and protected me. I wouldn't have been able to achieve the results I have today if it wasn't for Him, the one I chose to rely on in times of struggle, stress and restlessness. Although I was such a bummer for blaming God in the things that have happened, He didn't fail to show me how He've planned out what is best for me. 

Also, thank God for my family, who used to nag and scream at me back in the good old secondary and poly days for not studying and always gluing my eyes on the screen of dramas and youtube. They've been naggy, but they've been supportive. 

And so we jump for joy!! 

As of now, a new chapter awaits. I have no idea how I want it to be, I have no idea what I wanted to do. #quarterlifecrisis But I trust that God will plan the days ahead of me, he will pave my way, to where He wants me to go. 

  Weh Len Tines Day

Took me time to reflect how much we've been through, the thoughts and fears we had before we took a step further. I remember those days where I struggled to make a decision, those days where I went through numerous mentoring, those days where I sought the Lord day and night, and today I'm glad that we've been through so far without a single hiccup. 

His small sincere gestures won my heart against ravish restaurants, big bouquets and big surprises. 
I don't even mind spending our weh len tines day in the food court because at the end of the day, it is not about how big these actions are, but how sincere they hold. 

And to him I'm thankful that he embraces my faith, with his gentle tone he voices his honesty to me and showers me with a kind of respectable yet abundant love that I couldn't have ever imagined. 

My Valentines 
  Life after 2016
Life after 2016 was still mundane, routine and normal. 
The crowd at the mrt platform still persist, bumping onto the same stranger every morning drawn with the same expression and same gesture of scrolling through various social medias. 

And just as I thought work was tiring and I was gonna burn out, I became used to working, used to waking up at 7:45am, going through all the routine and ending the night just like how it was the day before. 

Life in 2017
 Tho resolutions are still important to me, I'm starting to learn how to chill and enjoy life the way it is. Apart of praying for God's direction in 2017, being still and enjoying His presence every single morning with songs of worship became imperative in gaining strength for myself. 

Work has been tiring but fun. I find work difficult and challenging especially when it comes to a personal discipline in my own character and personality. Being the youngest and newest in the company, I find myself extremely sensitive to my own behavior and character in dealing with difficult situations and with different people. Therefore I find work, other than being an avenue of money and survival, became an avenue that shows me the positives and negatives of my own character and how I can improve them. 

Finally,  I love it knowing that God who have been with me through 2016, will continue to shield me through 2017. 

Celebrate Christmas, Celebrate Jesus. 

My sin was great, Your love was greater
What could separate us now? 

What a wonderful name it is 
The name of Jesus Christ my King 


As 2016 is coming to an end, I am filled with so much gratitude and in awe of how much God has taught me seasons after seasons. But more to that, thank you Jesus for not leaving me alone in my seasons, but providing me with what I needed to overcome and to learn how to trust. 

Thank God for opening my doors into this start up company. Hahaha so much about fretting about unemployment, when trusting God seemed to be the best decision ever. Thank God for providing me with good pay, good colleagues and the most awesome working environment that I've never imagine myself to be in.  

Thank God for such a great 1.5 years spent in NAA. 

And lastly, grateful to have this man by my side for the past 1 year. Live hasn't been easy transiting to adulthood, but his down to earth, contented character taught me a lot about being grateful for the things I already have, rather than agonizing about the things that I don't have (and actually... don't really need also). 


  Quarter Life Crisis?

"Oh hi mom and dad!" 
Credits: kwzane, CLQL 

Seasons like this I ask myself "is it quarter life crisis coming earlier than expected?" 
I've been spending the past 2 months trying to find a suitable job, but again what defines "suitable job"? 

Sometimes I ask Jesus if its time to enter the marketplace, or do I have to wait a little longer before the road is paved for me to step up. Sometimes praying for Jesus to take the lead yet at the same time unconsciously trying to use my own ability to get a job asap. 


Rants aside, I'm grateful that God put godly brothers and sisters in my life who helped me through my unemployment, helping me with referrals and getting me prepared for upcoming interviews. I'm truly grateful for the help them they gave me, and through the umpteen prayers for God to only open the right doors for me, He provided me with vessels and aids to make my life easier during this season of unemployment. 

Standing together with my fellow peers who are going through the same season as me, I find fellowship with them nowadays to be soooooo transparent and heartfelt. I am encouraged that after this season of trial, we'll all grow in faith, patience and contentment. But for now, time to continue job search. 


My life now as a graduate, unemployed individual, perfectly described in The Straits Times news of "Unemployment rises in second quarter, with fewer vacancies than job seekers" 

On a hindside, I've rested pretty well in these couple of months of job hunting with only a few agendas everyday: Job application, interviews, catching up with friends, praying for this new journey in the workforce and of course saving money........ 

Am excited to unveil the road that God has paved for me, patiently waiting for the day where God opens the door for me to commence my first step of entering into the marketplace. 


The launch of Hope North East Center woohoo! 
Sooooo many people ask me why did I even move to North East Center when my house is just 10 mins walk to Axis. LOLOL 

My decision came from my little secret with God, and I am confident of what it is to come at this very place, through God's intervention and grace. So till then, with a little fleshly struggle of waking up earlier than ever on Sundays, I'm truly excited to be the pioneer batch of NE Center :D 

Its been a while, and life has been good. :D
Exams are over a week ago, and now I'm a free lady with pretty much sorting out on decisions for my next phase of life.

But first, some peektures on my BKK trip with yw hehe


< O L D E R P O S T

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Have a nice blogging day or something!