DAILY JOURNAL ❝ Personal · Life · God ❞   |

Regina K
♥ Friends call me Reggie
22 & graduated

I love coffee-art and colours
Have an interest in photography, but don't exactly have the talent :P


I pen down things worthy to remember. Even with the toughest struggles in life. Because when I read back in future, I will remember and know that God has brought me through

I have decided to follow Jesus!
No turning back

Layout made by tkh.


Its graduation, its the end of our school life. 
We close this chapter of school, and start a fresh new chapter on adulthood. 

Honestly there wasn't much feels during graduation since most of us have already settled down in our full time job. Career progression, job prospects etc are topics we catch up on during this big day of ours. See how much we've grown.... I sometimes still miss the days when I can be rebellious, childish and free spirited. 

Thankful for some of these people who sailed through uni life with me.  

Looking back at how this 1.5 years of uni life encompasses the driest and saddest season of my life, I am amazed on how I've managed to survive. Truly I wouldn't have been able to go through uni and getting the results that I want if it is not for God's handy hands who shielded me and protected me. I wouldn't have been able to achieve the results I have today if it wasn't for Him, the one I chose to rely on in times of struggle, stress and restlessness. Although I was such a bummer for blaming God in the things that have happened, He didn't fail to show me how He've planned out what is best for me. 

Also, thank God for my family, who used to nag and scream at me back in the good old secondary and poly days for not studying and always gluing my eyes on the screen of dramas and youtube. They've been naggy, but they've been supportive. 

And so we jump for joy!! 

As of now, a new chapter awaits. I have no idea how I want it to be, I have no idea what I wanted to do. #quarterlifecrisis But I trust that God will plan the days ahead of me, he will pave my way, to where He wants me to go. 

< O L D E R P O S T

© Layout made by tkh/mk. Removing any credit is shunned upon. Please keep credits intact
Have a nice blogging day or something!