DAILY JOURNAL ❝ Personal · Life · God ❞   |

Regina K
♥ Friends call me Reggie
22 & graduated

I love coffee-art and colours
Have an interest in photography, but don't exactly have the talent :P


I pen down things worthy to remember. Even with the toughest struggles in life. Because when I read back in future, I will remember and know that God has brought me through

I have decided to follow Jesus!
No turning back

Layout made by tkh.

  Conditional vs Conditional Love
Unconditional love is known as affection without any limitations, it can also be love without conditions. This term is sometimes associated with other terms such as true altruism, or complete love.


"Have you ever wanted to give up on Christianity?" 
That was the topic of our life group's sermon discussion. 

"We came to a point where we experienced God so much that we can never deny His true existence, and His true unconditional love for us" 
That was our group's conclusion 

Which I totally agreed. Although Christianity is a tough job, a tough journey, a journey that I once loved and hated, and a journey that I once wanted to give up so badly because of my selfishness. No one human being can do the same perfect job as God who created "love", and chose to love us even if we deny Him, hated Him, badmouthed Him, and even tormented Him and sent Him to the cross. 

The world's definition of love says "I love you IF", 
maybe some people would deny that and debate that "I had always loved him/her no matter how disappointed I am for them". 

Yet there is always this subtle, unconscious mind that expects a "If he/she had done this for me, I will be so glad" 

And many of us once said this to Jesus: 
"You didn't answer my prayer, are you not good to me at all?" 
"If God is so good, then why__(this happened)_______" 

Conditional Love. 

Jesus didn't expect us to love Him like how He loved us. Even as he already knew that we fall from the perfect standard of God and we loved him in such a conditional way, God still loves us unconditionally. 

His love is Complete Love, and that is why I chose to stay on this relationship with Him. 

< O L D E R P O S T | N E W E R P O S T >

© Layout made by tkh/mk. Removing any credit is shunned upon. Please keep credits intact
Have a nice blogging day or something!